Jython Debugging for ODI (Part 2)

As a continuation of the first post, this post will show the steps necessary to configure Eclipse for Jython development. Eclipse is one of many Python IDE’s however it is one of the few that supports Jython.


PyDev is an Eclipse plugin that adds Python specific features to the Eclipse IDE. PyDev provides support for inspection and debugging of Python and Jython code. PyDev is installed in the Eclipse IDE by going to the Help menu and locating the Install New Software… menu item.
Eclipse Install New Software
Once in the install new software window it is necessary to add a new repository. This repository contains multiple versions of PyDev. In our testing we have found version 2.8.2.* to be the most stable at this time.

Name: PyDev Update Site
Location: http://pydev.org/updates

Eclipse Available Software
Eclipse Add PyDev Repository
Eclipse Select PyDev Version
Once you have selected the desired version of PyDev click Next to view the summary of what is going to be installed. Once you have reviewed what is going to be installed proceed to the license review page. After accepting the license being the download and install using the Finish button.
Eclipse Confirm PyDev Install
Eclipse PyDev Accept License

Configuring PyDev

With PyDev installed the next step is setting up a Jython Interpreter. To being this locate the Preferences menu item under Window. The preference window locate the PyDev section on the left hand side and find Interpreter – Jython sub section. This section will show you current configured Jython Interpreters as well as allow you to configure new ones.
Eclipse Preferences to add Jython Interpreter
Eclipse Create Jython Interpreter
To add a new interpreter click the new button and then use the select interpreter dialog box to find the Jython install from part 1.
Select Jython Interpreter
Jython package selection
Upon completion of this last step you are ready to begin development of Jython in Eclipse. In the next post we will cover starting a new PyDev project.